We’ve been open for business since 2015. We pride ourselves on being real people! Our products are made on demand by real people earning real wages.
The Sqeaky Chimp brand now has 3 websites
t-shirts, dresses, skirts, leggings & swimwear
men’s leggings, yoga leggings, sportswear
kids size clothing
Message from Jennifer
The idea to start a fashion line came from a trip to a major brand store and I started looking at labels. Everything was made everywhere else. Made in China, India, Pakistan. While I have no problems with this, what I do have a problem with is how cheap the goods are and the fact I can’t be sure what I buy isn’t made by a sweat shop. So, I started doing my investigating. I found that most major brands have been busted at some time or other using sweatshops. It makes sense… how else would a pair of leggings sell for under 5 dollars while still making a corporate profit. Even major companies that make sport shoes which charge buyers a small fortune for a pair is always being caught using sweatshops. I won’t name names but you know who they are.
So how do we stop this? I found a growing trend of made on demand fashion. This means that fashion isn’t made in bulk so there is no waste or inks pouring into oceans. You want it, it’s made specifically for you. This process is far more expensive but worth it and less damaging to local communities overseas.
I did my research into manufactures and have tested them all. I found one I loved and was based in the USA. Jobs at home! And they’re not cheap and pay their staff fair wages. When I started squeakychimp.com my manufacture had bases only in 2 locations in the USA and 1 in EU. Now they’ve expanded into more small locations since the pandemic. Now if you live in Europe your order will be made in Europe. If you’re in North America your order will be made in North America.
What is most important is fair wages! We will not use manufactures with sweatshops! This is a guarantee!
Meet The Team – Real People

Jennifer Santolla
Jennifer is a web designer / entrepreneur by trade. She has several start-up websites such as eShopalot.com selling templates for eCommerce platforms. As well as a web design / print marketing career digitalwhiz.com.

Juan Carlos Cruz
Juan Carlos is a Character Animator by trade working on theatre animation, games and video. Juan Carlos has a crazy brain which reflects in his cartoon designs. He is constantly animating and drawing. View other work by Juan Carlos here. Juan Carlos designed all the characters for the t-shirt designs.